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Greenland Church of Christ
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The following information is available for Greenland Church of Christ:

In 1932 a gospel preacher, Fred McClung, and about twenty disciples from Fayetteville began meeting in the Greenland school house. They met in the school for approximately two years. During this time Herbert Hooker preached the gospel and four souls were added to the Lord. In 1933 the Springdale church sponsored a tent meeting in the area and another six folks were baptized into Christ. In 1934 a building was erected and Sherman Gabbard began working with the church. Among the families meeting in the new building were the Carters, the Campbells, the Robinsons, the Rogers, and the Whites. Though exact dates are unknown, James Ramey preached for a few years at the church. From 1951 to 1979 Lloyd Dockery worked with the church and during this time many more were added to their number. From 1979 to 1996 Glen Ludwick assumed the preaching duties until a job transfer to Tennessee. Over the next four years Ron Parsley worked with the church. After returning from Tennessee in the year 2000, Glen resumed the preaching duties. The present building was constructed in 1991 and presently serves about 40 folks who meet there regularly for spiritual edification. Among those who have served in a leadership capacity have been Dow White, Robert Bradley, Van Sullins and Glen Ludwick. Van Sullins and Glen Ludwick presently serve as elders.

Opening hours

Ready for a visit? Check the following opening hours for Greenland Church of Christ:

Wednesday:06:00 pm - 07:00 pm
Sunday:10:45 am - 11:45 am
06:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

Greenland Church of Christ can be found at the following address:

Caldwell and Pearson

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Use the following telephone number to get in touch with Greenland Church of Christ:

(479) 283-5154

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5.0/5.0 (3 vote(s))

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Bible Lesson 1/31/16 Title: Humility Speaker: Birch Farley Intro: Scripture - Luke 14.11 "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted" A. Topic of humility found about 70 times in the Bible and thus merits our strong consideration. B. Today it seems many folks have little regard for humility. C. The desire to be great dwells in each of us. D. It appears that aggressive, self-confident people are those who get ahead in today's society. E. It is the "me" generation we live in. F. There is even a touch of this within the church. G. Truth is that the kingdom of God does not depend on human ingenuity or strength. THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMILITY IN GOD'S KINGDOM A. Paul's preaching in Corinth, he stated, was not in words of man's wisdom, but rather in the Spirit and power of God (1 Cor. 2.1-5). B. Jesus stated the importance of humility in the Sermon on the Mount when He said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" and "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (Matthew 5) C. Jesus used a little child to demonstrate the importance of humility in Matthew 18.4, "Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." D. God revealed that having a proper attitude toward oneself is requisite to being approved by Him. MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT HUMILITY A. The "poor in spirit" does not mean that one must develop self-contempt - just the opposite is true. B. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matt. 27.39). This should give us a correct attitude of self-esteem. C. Neither was Jesus teaching that humility is a state of weakness, fear, or distress. D. The servant with one talent in Matthew 25 was afraid to do anything with the talent the Lord gave him - Humility does mean that one must be unprofitable but just the opposite. E. Being poor in spirit is a realization that we are helpless and hopeless on our own - we need God in our lives. F. Even the apostles oft-times had a problem with humility. a. Peter lacked humility when he boasted that he would not betray the Lord, but he did deny Jesus three times. b. All of the apostles fled when under fire just as Jesus said they would. c. If the apostles had problems with humility, it's likely we will as well. d. Peter later wrote that Christians should "be clothed with humility" (1 Pet. 5.5). REASONS WE SHOULD DEVELOP HUMILITY A. Jesus taught and demonstrated humility to His disciples. a. We are to "be converted and become as little children" with simple, trusting faith as a little child has. b. We seemingly lose this characteristic as we grow into adulthood. c. This trait can be regained through following the example and teaching of the Lord. d. Like small children we are to look upon others for what they are, not what they have or don't have. B. Humility is a prerequisite to effective prayer. a. Only prayer that comes from a humble heart will ever reach the throne of God. b. Jesus told about two men who went into the temple to pray. (Luke 18.9-14) (1) The Pharisee lacked humility and his prayer was only about how much better he was than others. (2) The tax collector humbled himself and simply asked God for mercy. His prayer was heard. c. We need to ask ourselves whom we are more like in this. C. Humility is needed for our sins to be forgiven. a. The story of Cain and Abel demonstrate this. When the Lord asked Cain where his brother was, he reacted with unconcern and pride (Gen. 4). b. The example of the disobedient King Saul is another good case of elevating self above God's commands (1 Sam.15) c. King David at first tried to cover up his sin with Bathsheba. He eventually humbled himself and confessed. d. The prodigal son in Luke 15 also learned the lesson of humility by trial and error and came to his senses. D. Humility is essential to forgiving others. a. The prodigal son's older brother was filled with pride and would not receive his brother who returned home. b. If we recognize our own need for God's grace, we won't have a problem forgiving others. c. Jesus taught us to pray, "Father, forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us." (Matthew 6) d. Paul wrote in Galatians 6 that we who try to restore others must do so "in a spirit of gentleness." That takes humility. E. Humility is necessary to being like Jesus. a. Jesus "humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death upon the cross." (Phil. 2.8) When He accomplished this, God highly exalted Him. b. James and John are prime examples. They asked Jesus to grant them special treatment in the kingdom (Matt. 20). Jesus then taught them a lesson in humility by washing all the disciples' feet. c. We would do well to learn this lesson and apply it in our relationships with others. CLOSE A. How can we gain humility in our lives? B. Standing at the Vietnam Memorial and observing the tears and grief by the families of the fallen will leave a lasting impression upon all who visit it. It is humbling to say the least. C. Perhaps the best way to recognize and appreciate the quality if humility is for all of us to stand for a while at the foot of the cross of Christ. a. The pain and the effects of torture Jesus endured for us is overwhelming especially when you think about why He was there. b. He didn't die for anything He had done wrong. He died for what all of us have done wrong! c. It would take a heartless and prideful person to not be humbled by that scene. D. It is humbling indeed to think of the fact that, "God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." E. Are you in need of humbling yourself before the Lord and be a recipient of His love and mercy?


Bible Lesson From 1/24/16 Title: "NEVER" Scripture: "He (God) will never permit the righteous to be moved" (Psalm 55.22) Introduction: A. "Never" is an oft-used word by many. B. Use it without thinking or in arrogance C. Bible uses the word around 200 times D. Consider some of its uses in Scripture UNTHINKING AND ARROGANT USES A. Peter contradicted the Lord by saying that persecution and crucifixion would NEVER happen to Him (Matthew 16.21-23). a. Lord told Peter he was using "Devil-speak" B. Peter told the Lord that he would NEVER forsake Him (Matthew 26.33). a. Do we make the same mistake? (1 Cor. 10.12) C. Peter said he would NEVER allow the Lord to wash his feet (John 13.3-9). a. Jesus was teaching the practice of service to one another D. The elder brother in the story of the Prodigal Son was enraged that his father had NEVER treated him so kindly as the brother who returned home (Luke 15.25-29). a. Do we act so childish when we should be rejoicing over the good fortunes of another? USES BY THE LORD A. Often Jesus would react to ignorance of the Scriptures by saying, "Have you NEVER read?" (Matt. 21.16; 42, etal.) a. We have no excuse for never reading the Scriptures. B. Jesus taught that He is the giver of living water that would cause one to NEVER thirst again (John 4.14; 6.35). a. At the Feast of Booths it is explained that He was speaking of the Holy Spirit given to believers (John 7.37-39). C. Jesus said that one who keeps His word would NEVER see death (John 8.51; 11.25) a. Those who comply are simply promoted to true life - a spiritual existence as contrasted with the physical (1 Cor. 15) D. When the Lord instituted the memorial supper, He said He would NEVER eat or drink of it until the kingdom came. a. The kingdom has come and He now is with His saints in the Spirit as they memorialize Him in the Supper (Col. 1.13). USES OF NEVER BY THE APOSTLE PAUL A. We must NEVER pay back evil for evil (Rom. 12.17-21) a. Instead, we are to pay back evil with good. An unusual response, many would say. B. Speaking of immorality as concerning saints, Paul wrote, "May it NEVER be!" (1 Cor. 6.15-18) a. Instead we are to honor God with our bodies (vss.19-20). C. "I will NEVER eat meat again," he wrote in teaching that it was not important enough to cause a brother to stumble. (1 Cor. 8.13) a. No physical pleasure or comfort is more important that a brother or sister's soul. D. "Love NEVER fails" (1 Cor. 13.8) a. Love is a quality greater than faith or hope (vs.13) OTHER IMPORTANT "NEVERS" IN SCRIPTURE A. Writer of Hebrews quotes God, who said, "I will NEVER desert you." (13.5) a. His point was that we should always be content with what we have. B. Peter wrote in his second letter, "You will NEVER stumble" (1.10) a. The context indicates that if one adds certain qualities to his faith and makes his calling and election sure, he would never fall away and be eternally lost (vss. 5-9) C. The Psalmist penned some profound NEVERS: a. "Let me NEVER be ashamed" (31.1) b. "I will NEVER forget your precepts" (119.93) D. Solomon wisely wrote: a. "He who gives to the poor shall NEVER want"(Pro.28.27) b. There is not a man on earth "that NEVER sins." (Eccl. 7.20) CONCLUSION A. We need to think about what we say NEVER to? B. We must learn from the mistakes of others, even those who are well-meaning. C. We must trust in God's NEVERS and not our own. D. We should simply practice love; it NEVER fails! E. We know that God NEVER stops loving us!


Bible lesson from 1/17/16 Title: Spiritual Nourishment Scripture: John 6.35-69 Much is said in the Scriptures on the subject of eating. a. After raising a 12 yr. old girl from the dead, Jesus said, "Give her something to eat." (Luke 8.55) b. When the crowds gathered to hear Jesus, He told the disciples, "Give them something to eat." (Luke 9) c. On the cross, Jesus said, "I thirst." (John 19.28) d. Before His ascension, Jesus met with disciples and asked them, "Have you anything here to eat?" (Luke 24.41) e. There is a spiritual application in these quotes. f. Jesus told us that He is the bread of life. (John 6) g. Jesus said He could give living water. (John 4) h. Jesus told us to hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matt. 5) THE BREAD OF LIFE - John 6 a. After feeding the 5,000, the crowds tried to mob Jesus to make Him king (6.1-14). b. When they found Him He confronted them with the truth: they were only following Him for the food. (6.26) c. He told them they should be working for the food that endures to eternal life, unlike the manna in the wilderness. d. He said that He was the true bread from heaven. e. He said, "He who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst" (6.35) WHAT IS THE BREAD OF LIFE? a. Jesus said that He gives it (6.27) b. He gave a hard saying by telling them they must eat of His flesh and drink His blood to have eternal life (6.54) c. Many drew back at this saying. d. As was often the case Jesus used a metaphor to reveal a deeper truth. e. He said this bread was of a spiritual nature (6.63) f. He was referring to His teachings. g. Literally Jesus was separating the true believers from the "bread-seekers" THE WORD OF GOD IS THE BREAD OF LIFE a. God's word nourishes our soul as physical food nourishes our body. (See Matthew 4.4) b. Starving people become emaciated (waste away). c. Without water one can survive only a short time. d. Without God's word we waste away spiritually. e. Paul directs elders of the church to "feed the church of God" (Acts 20.28) f. As food builds up our strength, God's word builds us up spiritually (Acts 20.32) g. Our souls must hunger and thirst for righteousness which is found in God's word (Matt. 5.6). LIVING WATER a. Jesus told the woman at the well in John 4 that He could give her living water that would spring up to eternal life (10-14) b. At the fest of booths, Jesus proclaimed that He could satisfy one's eternal thirst (John 7.37-38). c. As is recorded, He was speaking of the Holy Spirit which He could give the obedient believer. (Acts 5.32) d. 3,000 received it on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2.28, 41). e. The book of Revelation extends the invitation, "Let him who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes to take the water of life without cost" (22.17). CONCLUSION a. We are to pray for our daily bread for our flesh (Matt. 6); do we likewise pray for our spiritual food? b. We need to come to the table to be fed when it is served. c. Many treat their spiritual food as one might while eating a meal on a TV tray watching their favorite program and forgetting soon even what they ate. d. We must savor the taste of the good word of God, digesting it and allowing it to pervade our soul. e. A certain amount of the food we eat remains in our system - same is true of God's word. f. When we don't have a balanced diet of food, we generally take supplements or vitamins to bring us into balance. g. Good spiritual supplements might be to read and study the Proverbs or the Psalms to give us a balanced spiritual diet. h. What kind of food do you crave and where do you go for nourishment? "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth" wrote David (Psalm 119.103)


Bible lesson from 1/10/16 Title: HAS SLAVERY BEEN ABOLISHED? Scripture: Romans, chapter six INTRODUCTION A. Over the years many forms of slavery have existed. B. Generally think of slavery as forced labor, imposed by cruel tyrants (example: Israelites in Egypt - Exodus 1) C. Slaves are like any other possession - bought and sold D. Slavery was prominent in Roman Empire (New Testament era). E. Our country had a civil war over slavery. F. Though outlawed everywhere in the world, many forms of slavery yet exist (India, 29m, China, 3m) G. Slavery always requires a master. H. Our lesson deals with spiritual slavery. SPIRITUAL SLAVERY A. Bible says much about this form of slavery B. Apostle Paul contrasts slavery to righteousness with slavery to unrighteousness in the Roman letter, chapter six. C. Jesus stated that "everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin" (John 8.34). D. Sin has a cruel master - his reward is death (Rom. 6.23). E. If sin is one's master, one is dead already (Eph. 2.1). F. Slaves to sin are in bondage (Consider the account of Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8.13-24). SPIRITUAL SLAVERY IS VOLUNTARY A. All have the choice of who will be their master (Rom. 6.12-13) B. All who try to live by the Law are in bondage to sin (Rom. 6.14) C. To escape the bondage of sin, one must be redeemed (Peter tells how this is accomplished (1 Pet. 1.18-19). D. The curse of the law is death - Paul states in Gal. 3 that those of faith have been redeemed from the curse - vvs.10-13) E. The redeemed are still slaves, but they have a new master. F. Spiritual slaves have a choice of who their master will be! SLAVES OF SIN (UNRIGHTEOUSNESS) A. Their master is Satan (evil, self, the flesh). B. Slaves of sin display an arrogant, self-serving attitude and obey the impulses of the flesh. C. These folks follow the path of dissipation (wastefulness - 1 Pet. 4.2-4). D. Slaves of sin are bound by the chains of the flesh, without God and without hope - knowingly or otherwise. SLAVES OF GOD (RIGHTEOUSNESS) A. Their Master is the Lord, a good Master with mercy and compassion. B. They live a life devoted to good behavior - a holy and sanctified existence. C. Their path is one of obedience to their Master (Rom. 6.16). They are God's instruments of righteousness, at His disposal and dedicated to fulfilling His purposes (Rom. 6.13, 16) D. They serve God as His instruments to spread His love through demonstrations of it and by speaking for Him. E. Service to others is their aim, knowing that serving others is serving Him (Matt. 25, the judgment scene) HOW MAY ONE CHANGE MASTERS? A. First, it is necessary to die to the sin-master (Rom.6.3-7). B. Faith is Jesus as God's Son and repentance are prerequisites to this death to sin (Jn. 8.24; Acts 17.30). C. God has chosen baptism to symbolize the death of the sin-man and union with Christ (Rom. 6.3-5) D. Arising from the watery grave, one begins to walk in a new, resurrected life of righteousness. E. If, as some teach, we are saved at the point of faith and then we can choose to be baptized later, then I would ask, "Do you bury a live person or a dead one?" The answer is one all can understand. (see Mark 16.16; Acts 2.38; 22.16; 1 Pet. 3.21.) F. Baptism is the final step of changing from the master of sin to the Master of righteousness. G. One who follows these Bible teachings then has a new Master to serve and obey (Heb. 5.8-9). CONCLUSION A. The sin-master can only promise death to his servants (Rom. 6.20-21). B. The Good Master rewards His faithful servants with eternal life (Rom. 6.22-23). C. Friend, who is your master?


Bible lesson from 1/03/16 Title: Are You Pleasing To The Lord? Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5.1-21 (NASB) INTRODUCTION A. "Pleasing to the Lord" is a popular Bible phrase B. When God created the earth and all things therein, God saw that "it was very good" (Gen. 1.31 - pleasing to Him). C. King Solomon pleased God with His request to be given wisdom and understanding rather than riches (1 Kings 3.10) D. Proverbs 16.7 reads that "When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. E. Jesus, our supreme example, said, "I always do the things pleasing to Him" (the Father) John 8.29 F. It is all-important that we strive to be pleasing to the Lord. How can we be pleasing to the Lord? To know this, we must know WHAT pleases Him, HOW to please Him, and WHY we must please Him. WHAT PLEASES THE LORD? A. Knowing what pleases the Lord comes through learning. (Eph. 5.10) A disciple is a student, a learner. B. Knowledge of what also comes by example (Jesus WWJD). See Luke 22.42. C. Faith also helps us know what is pleasing to the Lord. (Heb. 11.5-6) D. Experience may be the best learning tool. We learned this as a child under the control of our parents. (See Heb. 12.4-11). HOW DO WE PLEASE THE LORD? A. Must be done according to the Spirit, not the flesh (Rom. 8.6-8). B. Clues to knowing how to please God found in Eph. 5. 1. Walk in love (2) 2. Shun immorality, impurity, greed (3) 3. Practice proper speech (4) 4. Walk in the light (8) 5. Bear good and righteous fruit (9) 6. Expose deeds of darkness (11) 7. Make wise use of our time (16) C. All these things are products of the Spirit, not the flesh. WHY SHOULD WE PLEASE THE LORD? A. To have God's continued blessings. (Gal. 6.10 - He treats us like we treat others). B. So that God will make us better people (Heb. 12.9-10) C. That we can bear much fruit for Him (John 15 - the Vine and the Branches). D. So that we can assist others (Rom. 15.1-3). E. To present a united front to the world (Jn. 17.20-21). F. To be an active soldier in the Lord's army (2 Tim. 2.3-4). G. To fulfill God's purpose for us to be the salt of the earth and a light to the world (Matt. 5.13-14). H. To glorify the Father (Matt. 5.15) I. That we might receive our eternal reward (Luke 12.32). SUMMARY A. The key to pleasing the Lord is total submission to Him - He will do the rest (Phil. 2.13; Heb. 13.21) B. We must take self out of the picture and allow God to work. C. Many have the desire to be pleasing to the Lord but how many are willing to make the commitment? D. Are you willing to commit yourself to the task of being pleasing to the Lord?


The Greenland church of Christ is an autonomous group of Christians meeting on Sundays and Wednesdays to edify one another in the faith established by Jesus, the Christ, in the 1st century AD. Our goal is to strive to live our lives as Jesus did. We believe that if we emulate His life we will be pleasing to our heavenly Father, as He was. We do not believe we are the only Christians, but rather Christians only. We have no earthly headquarters, but we rely solely upon God's inspired word to direct our lives. It may seem that we have a creed to guide us because most churches of Christ conduct their meetings in a similar fashion. This is due to our belief in following only the Scriptures in faith and practice. We hold that the Bible only will make Christians only. God is unchanging, thus, what He required of people since Jesus built His church upon Peter's confession of Him as the Christ, He still requires today (Matthew 16.15-19). This is why we teach that belief in Jesus as the Christ; a confession of that fact (Matthew 10.32-33); repenting of one's sins (Luke 13:3-5); and being baptized for the forgiveness of one's sins (Acts 2.38) makes one a Christian. Continuing to live a life of faithfulness, God has promised an eternal home with Him after this life is over (1st Peter 1.3-4). We believe that the Bible teaches that those who have been saved through their obedience to the gospel message have been saved to serve the needs of others. Primary among those needs is the need to learn the gospel plan of salvation and through faith and obedience to be added to the Lord's church by Him (Acts 2.47). You are cordially invited to come study with us and find out how you may be a part of God's glorious kingdom. The resurrected Christ will return one day to gather together His kingdom and deliver it up to the Father (1st Corinthians 15:20-28). I trust that you will take the steps necessary to be among that number. God bless! Glen Ludwick (479-283-5154)


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100 East Joyce Blvd #105, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Dead Swanky
38 west Trenton Blvd., Fayetteville
Hair Salon, Skin Care Service
1204 E Joyce Blvd Ste 107, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Soul Beauty
121 W Township St, Suite 2, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Salon Venues
3595 Shiloh Drive Suite 1, Fayetteville
Barber Shop, Beauty Supply Store, Hair Salon
Hair Extensions by Miss J
3595 n Shiloh drive, Fayetteville
Hair Extensions Service, Hair Salon, Skin Care Service
Lions Mane
3980 W Wedington Dr Suite 12, Fayetteville
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Fox & Sparrow
745 E Joyce Blvd, Ste 108, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Shear Expectations
75 W Colt Sqaure Dr Suite #1, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Glo Limited NWA
577 Millsap Rd, Fayetteville
Beauty Salon, Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist and Hairstylist Janelle Ezell
2418 N Gregg Ave, Fayetteville
Hair Salon, Makeup Artist
Glamorous Salon Fayetteville Arkansas
77 W. Colt Sq #1, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Tease Hair Studio
1545 W 15th St #6, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Levels 2 Barber Lounge LLC
2597 N College Ave, Fayetteville
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
3595 Shiloh Drive Suite 3, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Splurge Lounge
58 West Joyce Blvd, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Rook’s Hair Garage
1448 North College Ave, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Hair by Randy Reynolds
Hair Salon
Be Salon, Fayetteville
118 E Spring St, Fayetteville
Hair Salon
Salon Bloom
104 W Colt Square Dr, Ste 3, Fayetteville
Hair Salon